The following drugs mainly
come in the form of colourful or
white pills/tablets, and they include:
Ecstasy, Amphetamine, Barbiturates,
Morphine, Fentanyl & Flunitrazepam
The following drugs mainly
come in the form of colourful or
white pills/tablets, and they include:
Ecstasy, Amphetamine, Barbiturates,
Morphine, Fentanyl & Flunitrazepam
The following drugs mainly come in the form of powder or crystals, and they include:
Cocaine (White), White Heroin (White), Brown Heroin (Brown), Ketamine (White/Off-white),
PCP/Angel Dust (Yellowish, Tan /Brown), Ephedrine (White), Mephedrone (white with a
yellowish tinge), Synthetic Cathinones/Bath Salts (White or Brown Crystals), Methamphetamine (Clear/Blue crystal chunks) &
Amphetamine (White Powder/Crystals)
The most common drug found in the form of blotted paper is LSD.
Drops of LSD solution is dried onto pieces of blotting paper which release the drug when swallowed.
The following drugs come in the form of dried leaves and flowers of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. They include:
Marijuana (Weed) & Synthetic Cannabinoids